Brand Licensing Europe presenta il programma 2017 di seminari Brands&Lifestyle

Brand Licensing Europe (BLE) ha presentato un ricco programma di seminari Brands & Lifestyle per l’edizione 2017 con la partecipazione di alcuni dei più famosi brand, da V&A, Imperial War Museum e The National Gallery, a Juventus, Penguin Random House, The Smiley Company e Beanstalk.

I momenti salienti comprenderanno una “conversazione” con Lauren Sizeland, V&A’s Director of Business Development and Licensing; la presentazione di uno delle più famosi brand di calcio del mondo – la Juventus; una seduta ispiratrice di innovazione e creatività con Angela Farrugia e Lisa Shapiro di CAA-GBG e un panel presieduto da Richard Pink con la collaborazione di Susan Bolsover di Penguin Random House, Christine Cool di Perfetti Van Melle, Gabrielle Sims, Fat Face e Nicolas Loufrani diThe Smiley Company.

Brand Licensing Europesi terrà dal 10 al 12 ottobre presso Olympia Londra.

Tutti i seminari sono gratuiti.

Di seguito il programma completo di Brands & Lifestyle:

Martedì 10
11.30 – 12.15 Absurdly Delicious: How the world’s no.1 liqueur brand uncovered new ways to savour the Baileys moment through licensing

Louise French, Associate VP Business Development & Marketing, Beanstalk
12.30 – 13.15 Creating a culture of innovation

Angela Farrugia, EVP / Group Managing Director, CAA-GBG
Lisa Shapiro, SVP Retail Development EMEA, CAA-GBG
13.30 – 14.15 Chocks Away! Making toys fly with IWM

Nicola Woods, Product & Marketing Assistant & Steve Kitney, Sales: Entertainment & Boxed Gifting, Koch Media
Anne Buky, Licensing Consultant & David Fenton, Head of Retail & Admissions, Imperial War Museum
14.30 – 15.15 Lifestyle & fashion marketing: 5 key trends

Paolo Lucci, Founder/Editor – Brand Jam
Gavin Brown, Researcher/Contributor
15.30 – 16.00 Juventus: from a football team to a global brand

Luca Montesion, Licensing Executive, Juventus

Mercoledì 11

11.30 – 12.15 In conversation with Lauren Sizeland

Lauren Sizeland, Director – Business Development & Licensing, V&A
12.30 – 13.30 Panel discussion: The versatility of a Brand Licensing programme

Panel discussion chaired by:
Richard Pink, Managing Director, Pink Key Consulting
Panellists include:

Susan Bolsover, Head of Licensing & Consumer Products, Penguin Random House
Christine Cool, Licensing Manager, Perfetti Van Melle
Gabrielle Sims, Head of Licensing, Fat Face
Nicolas Loufrani, CEO, The Smiley Company
14.00 – 14.45 Licensing our National Heritage

Jane Evans, Managing Director, JELC
Judith Mather, Director of Buying and Brand Licensing, The National Gallery
11.30 – 12.15 How licensable is your brand?

Adam Bass, Managing Director, Golden Goose
13.30 – 14.15 Bookseller session TBC.

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