Peppa Pig is partner of Save the Children for the Christmas Jumper Day
Animation & Characters
Next Friday, December 16 will be the Christmas Jumper Day, the day designed by Save the Children, which this year arrives for the first time in Italy with a campaign that invite people to decorate and wear a funny Christmas sweater also making a donation for the children alla around the world.
Peppa Pig could only marry this initiative: making something good while making something fun without taking themselves too seriously. this is the soul of the Christmas Jumper Day and the message that the nice pink pig wants to courage to all her small and big fans.
Peppa Pig therefore made, in collaboration with Carolina Benvenga, popular tv presenter, a video tutorial where it is easily explained how to decorate your sweater in perfect “Christmas Jumper” style.
The video will be online on Save the children and Peppa Pig Official YouTube starting from the last week of November.
In addition to video tutorials, the project will develop promotional campaign – primarily online and on social channels. It also includes the information sheet and an animated gif.
Centauria, editor of Peppa Pigâs official magazine, and Leolandia, entertainment park that hosts The world of Peppa Pig, supported the Christmas campaign Jumper Day with Peppa Pig, too.
On Save the Childrenâs dedicated website it can be found all the information and amazing tips: