Spielwarenmesse: Searching for new trends

The toy industry is ever evolving and never stands still. Reason enough for the TrendCommittee to go in search of the latest trends every year. Commissioned by the Spielwarenmesse, the 13-strong expert committee follows emerging developments in the toy industry all around the globe.

The Trend Committee’s findings will be revealed in mid-October 2020 and the newly identified trends will be showcased at the Spielwarenmesse from 27 to 31 January 2021.

Fresh input for trends

Charged with identifying trends and innovations around the world, the international TrendCommittee is composed of market researchers, trend scouts and journalists. Two new members will be contributing their ideas and expertise in time for the 72ndSpielwarenmesse. Clara Blasco is Design and Trend Researcher at AIJU, the renowned technological institute for children’s products and leisure in Spain. She has been researching user preferences and trends for more than ten years, advising toy companies and childcare facilities on product developments. Since 2017, she has focused her attention on research projects relating to sustainability for users and consumers of toys and children’s products. Sujin Lee from South Korea has already gathered seven years’ experience in the toy industry and has registered several toy patents. Last year, he started running a data-based communication platform for parents and children whilst shedding light in his monthly reports on emerging trends in the media, the online trade, and the retail trade.

Forward-looking trend research for 2021

The trends presented at the Spielwarenmesse need to meet specific criteria. The focus is on medium-term trends that are likely to influence the toy world for several years to come. Generally, these trends are already starting to emerge in the media and on social media but are yet to have a noticeable impact on the market. Based on the definition by the Spielwarenmesse, a trend must have the potential to succeed on the mass market, whilst also having clear international appeal. The TrendCommittee plays the important role of identifying relevant developments that meet the above criteria.

The Spielwarenmesse TrendCommittee has the following members:

John Baulch (Publisher, Toy World Magazine, UK)

Clara Blasco (Design and Trend Researcher, AIJU Toy Research Institute, Spain)

Jackie Breyer (Journalist, The Toy Book und The Toy Insider, USA)

Daniele Caroli (Journalist, Parents’ Choice, Russia)

Axel Dammler (Market Researcher, iconkids & youth international research GmbH, Germany)

Steven Ekstract (Journalist, License! Global, USA)

Philippe Guinaudeau (Market Researcher, Kidz Global, France)

Lena Hedö (Journalist, Lek & Babyrevyn, Sweden)

Gabriela Kaiser (Trend Consultant, TRENDagentur, Germany)

Urszula Kaszubowska (Journalist, Branza Dziecieca, Poland)

Sujin Lee (CEO Ggem Factory, South Korea)

Reyne Rice (Journalist and Trend Expert, USA)

Jane Wong (Journalist, TOY INDUSTRY, China)

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