È aperta la presentazione delle candidature agli UK Licensing Awards 2020: deadline estesa al 7 agosto 

Le nomination per tutte le categorie – comprese quelle per licensed products, licensed properties, retailers, marketing, honorary achievement e  new awards for sustainability, international retailers and licensed live events – posso essere presentate attraverso il sito.  

These 2020 awards – owned and organised by Max Publishing in London, UK – cover licensed product launches, licensing activity and licensed retailing execution in the 12 months up to the end of May 2020.

In a change from previously, for this year all entering for the licensed product categories will be online only, rather than physical products having to be submitted. The deadline for this has been extended to 7 August 2020, following  the news that the event itself will take place at the later date of 16 December 2020 – with entry criteria including launch-dates remaining the same. We do however suggest that companies begin that entry process asap and use the extra time to make sure it’s a brilliant showcase of their talents.

Having consulted with the industry, in light of the uncertainty and disruption caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, we wanted a failsafe method for people to be able to enter their licensed products.

With the majority of offices and warehouses currently closed and with many people working from home, submitting imagery and accompanying information online seems an ideal solution.

The judging of the licensed product categories will also be undertaken online by an extensive judging panel made up entirely of buyers from right across the UK retail spectrum.

As ever entry is free and the entry process is quick and easy.

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