Chloé特别呈献‘Chloé x My Melody’萌兔新年系列

Chloé launches the ‘Chloé x My Melody’ capsule collection for Chinese New Year of the Rabbit

Inspired by the famous character My Melody, Chloé launches the ‘Chloé x My Melody’ capsule in time for Chinese New Year, to kick off the Year of the Rabbit with the cherished character. 

Chloé以家喻户晓的美乐蒂为灵感,特别推出’Chloé x My Melody’ 萌兔新年系列,与备受喜爱的三丽鸥角色携手喜迎兔年新春。

The iconic cartoon character is imbued with Chloé’s craftsmanship and singular feminine touch. My Melody’s ear hat has a multicoloured palette, reinterpreted as prints, embroideries and patches featured in an array of products, including ready-to-wear, bags, scarves and accessories available in Chloé boutiques in China and on


Ready-to-wear from the capsule such as T-shirts, a sweatshirt and pullover all have a sleek and straight silhouette embellished with a distinctive My Melody patch, combined with a bucket hat or cap from the ‘My Melody’ collection to complete the look.


Accessories such as bracelets, necklaces and scarves have a bold red tone and playful details.


In celebration of the Year of the Rabbit, the ‘Chloé x My Melody’ collection will be launched at ***, and will be available in Chloé boutiques in China and on

辞旧迎新,携手兔年,’Chloé x My Melody’萌兔新年系列将于XXXX发布, 并于Chloé中国精选门店及官网chloe.cn发售。

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